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Rye grass ‘weeds’ resistance to glyphosate

It’s widely known that crop fields are routinely sprayed with pesticides and herbicides such as glyphosate to keep weeds down and boost crop yields. But it’s perhaps less understood that crop fields are also routinely sprayed with glyphosate before spring crops are planted, to clear stubbles before seeds are drilled into soil.    Glyphosate is … Continued

Alcohol and cancer risk

A health advisory in January to the American people has issued a stark warning to raise awareness of the health risks of alcohol consumption and increases in rates of avoidable cancers. The Surgeon General’s Advisory states that 741,300 global deaths were attributed to alcohol consumption in 2020, ranging from daily consumption of less than 2 units up … Continued

Our most read updates of 2024 about environmental toxins and health impacts

2024 has seen major steps forward in our understanding of the impacts of exposure to environmental toxins detected in body fluids and cells, and their subsequent impacts of human health. In our final post this year, here are some of our most read news updates of 2024 about the links between exposure to environmental toxins, … Continued

Endocrine disrupting chemicals and male fertility

A new study investigating the impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on male reproductive health has examined correlations between multiple exposures of 12 chemicals found in everyday personal care and consumer products and 13 metabolites of phthalates and plasticizers, and their combined impact on sex steroid hormone levels in adult males.    Researchers applied multiple … Continued

Are flame retardants lurking in your recycled plastic utensils?

It’s probably not surprising that when plastics are recycled, much of their chemical composition travels with them into recycled plastic items. Plastics manufactured for electronics products such as cables are modified by adding chemicals with flame retardant properties to meet safety standards. So what happens when these plastics are recycled, where do the flame retardants … Continued

Pesticides and gut health

Organophosphate pesticides (OP) have been associated with a variety of health conditions for a long time. The link between pesticides and disruptions in the balance of the gut microbiome have been established by animal experiments and in-vitro models, but evidence on the effect of human exposures has been more limited. But it’s emerging that exposures to … Continued

PFAS detected in UK politician’s bodies

UK politicians tested for so called ‘Forever chemicals’ including PFAS and PFOA all had detectable levels of 5 chemicals on average from this vast group of chemicals. The tests found “worrying levels” of PFAS above established levels of concern, measured in hair and blood samples. Although a small sample, the study carried out on behalf … Continued

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The IRAC report that worldwide, 275,000 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer each year. In the UK 10 children are diagnosed each day. Childhood cancer types differ from adult forms – leukaemia, brain cancers, and lymphomas are the most common types.   During September charities across the UK … Continued

Pesticides exposure a risk to stillbirth rates

Women exposed to pesticides in the months prior to conception and the early months of pregnancy may have a higher risk of stillbirth a new study finds.   Researchers examined data of more than one million births over a 14 year period during which more than 2000 stillbirths were recorded. Stillbirth rates of women who … Continued

What can hair tell us about pesticide exposure?

Children’s hair tested by French researchers in a new study found that almost one third of the samples had detectable levels of biomarkers for chemicals found in the environment, with 10% of the total samples detecting 100% of the biomarkers.    Tests were carried out on children’s hair samples to detect biomarkers for 32 groups … Continued

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