What’s the ‘WHY’ behind
We’d like to introduce you to Bob Woods MBE, Founder and Senior Advisor at Mattioli Woods. Bob is the inspiration behind – he is committed to bringing the impact of trace toxins in the environment on our health and environment to a wider public audience.
Bob recently hosted a joint event alongside Leicester University’s Centre for Environmental Health and Sustainability, of which he is a sponsor. During his presentation Bob shared his personal story about how he became impassioned about Environmental Medicine, the impact of environmental pollutants on his own health, and the eureka moment when he first became aware of the WHO Report of 2012 – The State of the Science of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals.
During the event held in September Bob shared some stark facts and his serious concerns about changes in rates of serious illnesses such as cancer and plummeting fertility rates – statistics that cannot be explained by demographic and lifestyle changes alone. He called into question the health and wellbeing risks of exposure to environmental pollutants that we are regularly exposed to in our everyday lives.
If you’d like to understand more about’s “WHY” please do watch Bob’s 15 minute presentation.
You can also follow his slides download Bob’s presentation.
To learn more about Leicester’s Centre for Environmental Health and Sustainability and the research being undertaken to help us build a better future for human health please visit their website here.