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EDCs increase the risk of delayed speech development

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) have long been associated with a wide range of health risks, but new research has identified a link between exposure to EDC mixtures and delayed neurodevelopmental disorders and speech development in children.   Carried out using data provided by the Swedish Environmental Longitudinal, Mother and child, Asthma and allergy (SELMA) pregnancy cohort, … Continued

What’s lurking in your favourite fragrance? 

Research published last week examined ingredients in popular fragrances sold in Belgium. The study was commissioned by Belgium’s Fight against cancer, Dutch ‘Erase all Toxins’, and the Danish Consumer Association.    Twenty fragrance brands were tested for synthetic chemicals that have already been identified to have endocrine disrupting properties, interfering with the healthy functioning of the … Continued

Endocrine disrupting chemicals as a risk factor in pregnancy

A team based in Chongqing, China have carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis of associations between exposure to EDCs during pregnancy and thyroid hormones in newborns. This area of study is controversial because it’s difficult to make scientifically robust connections between maternal exposure to EDCs and thyroid outcomes in newborns, but this research team found … Continued

EDCs and pregnancy health risks

Can microplastics pass across the placenta? A new Dutch study has reported that microplastics have the potential to pass from mother to unborn child across the placenta. In laboratory based studies, researchers found that plastics can be taken up by placental tissue. This highlights a serious health risk for the unborn foetus. The research also identified … Continued

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