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The link between mental health and the air we breathe

Air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths every year in the UK – it is the most worrying environmental health risk we face today. But the effects of air pollution on our mental wellbeing are less well documented. In this post we present a roundup of the latest evidence that air pollution might be the cause of a range of … Continued

It’s strawberry season!

Strawberries are synonymous with Wimbledon, and this year will be no exception, even if it rains! A whopping 8615 punnets are consumed each day during the tournament, all grown in Kent from LEAF-registered farms, a charity that promotes balancing organic with chemical practices.     But aside from this great sporting tradition, strawberries are a … Continued

PFAS linked to hypertension in new study of mid-life women

PFAS might be a factor contributing to cardiovascular disease risk in mid-life women a new study published on 13 June 2022 finds. In this extensive study more than 1000 women underwent almost 12,000 ‘person years’ of follow-up. A staggering 470 women who tested in the highest percentile of serum concentrations of PFAS developed hypertension when compared … Continued

Lasting Health