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Healthy reasons to grow your own strawberries

We consume a whopping 80m+ tonnes of strawberries in the UK each year. Many of us love them because their sweet flavour is synonymous with summertime, and they are a source of Vitamin C, important for our immune system health. Along with other soft fruits such as raspberries and blueberries, strawberries are a rich source … Continued

Vitamin D – the sunshine vitamin

We’ve not had a lot of sunshine lately, so this week’s sunny days are a welcome change. Throughout January the days start to get a little longer (more 40 extra minutes a day by the end of the month, we’re counting!) so it’s great to spend time outside again. Sunshine on our skin helps our … Continued

Can your guts make you happy?

It’s well known that the health of our guts, or microbiome, can significantly affect our overall health. The microbiome is made up of many trillions of bacteria, microbes, and viruses that live in our large intestine. A healthy microbiome can help us maintain healthy organs and bodily functions, but a relatively new microbiome group, known as psychobiotics … Continued

Go organic in September

As the season changes, this month sees the return of Organic September, an initiative led by the Soil Association to work with everyone to transform the way we eat, farm and care for our natural world. Their website states that ‘If the whole of Europe switched to an organic or agroecological food and farming system, we … Continued

What can you do if you get the flu?

For the last two years our health focus has been largely on coronavirus, but it looks like the common cold and flu is back with a vengeance. So, what can you do to make a good recovery if you get the flu or nasty cold?  Eat and drink well It’s tempting to eat fast, processed, or … Continued

How can vitamins support a healthy respiratory tract?

During the coming weeks we will be sharing expert information about some of the things we can all do to look after our general health. To begin, we invited medical expert Dr. Jean Monro of Breakspear Medical to share her vitamin regime, especially created to address acute upper respiratory tract viral infections. Dr. Monro advises that … Continued

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