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Environmental effects on brain development

A new study of 1000’s of children and adolescents in the Netherlands has concluded that exposure to ambient air pollution during early life can have long terms effects on the development of white matter in the brain. The study investigated links between early childhood exposure to air pollution and the development of white matter microstructures of the … Continued

Air quality can reduce IVF birth outcomes

The success of IVF may be influenced by the quality of air at the time when eggs are harvested for fertilisation new research finds. Exposure to particulate matter in ambient air was associated with significantly lower live births according to research carried out over an 8 year period in Perth, Australia.    More than 3600 IVF transfers … Continued

Spring refreshes in your home

With the arrival of Spring, you may be thinking about updating your home – with a lick of paint, some new carpets, or an update on your tired old bed mattress. With thousands of products to choose from, it may not be top of mind to think about chemicals used in manufacturing processes, so here’s … Continued

World Health Day 2024

This week sees the return of WHO’s World Health Day which promotes key themes for health across the globe. The theme this year,  ‘My health, my right‘ includes the right to good mental health for the first time, drawing much needed attention to the links between mental health and poor air quality.   Air pollution … Continued

Let’s talk about mould

With an estimated 1 in 10 homes affected by mould infestations, this creeping health risk is a serious concern for many. Mould grows in areas with excess levels of moisture with poor ventilation, poor insulation, and high condensation. It reproduces itself via tiny spores which can grow on paper, carpets, and soft furnishings around the … Continued

World Car Free Day

Friday 22 September 2023 is World Car Free Day. The aim of the day is to cut CO2 emissions by giving up our cars for a day and travel in a more sustainable way. It’s also an opportunity for us to see what towns and cities could look like without cars, and how our environment … Continued

The link between mental health and the air we breathe

Air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths every year in the UK – it is the most worrying environmental health risk we face today. But the effects of air pollution on our mental wellbeing are less well documented. In this post we present a roundup of the latest evidence that air pollution might be the cause of a range of … Continued

Clean Air Day, The UK’s largest air pollution campaign 

Thursday 15 June is Clean Air Day, a day of action to raise awareness about air pollution around the UK. This year’s theme is ‘Clean up our air to look after your mind‘, sending a strong message to us all about the health risks posed by air pollution, both physical and mental. Every year, air … Continued

Do you take your shoes off indoors? 

Removing your shoes at the door is customary in many homes, and in some cultures it’s seen as a mark of respect to leave your shoes outside. But there might also be some good health reasons to ask anyone coming into your home to remove their shoes first.    Bacteria is carried on the soles … Continued

Is your log burner your Achilles heel? 

The government announced its new Environment Improvement Plan this week including updated guidance on emissions of particulate matter from log burning stoves. Earlier guidance of no more than 5g of smoke emissions per hour has been reduced to 3g per hour in areas designated as smoke control areas, which encompasses most UK towns and cities.    … Continued

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